Buy Twitter Followers OR Get Free Auto Twitter Followers? [Dilemma solved]
Twitter has always been a conflicting platform. It definitely had a hard time adjusting with people as compared to Facebook or Instagram. Many people think that it is not worth spending your time or money on this platform. But, wait! Twitter isn’t a ghost town. There are a whopping 330 million monthly active users! It’s an audience that cannot be ignored. Of course, you need to have a considerable amount of followers, and that’s why people buy Twitter followers to make their profile look appealing.
But, again! It doesn’t work the way you think. When you buy followers from a random provider, you are just buying bots. These bots are nothing but fake followers who will not add any value to your account except that big fat follower number on your profile. Twitter may also ban you for having fake followers on your profile. In order to be successful on Twitter, you need real people who will engage with your content and react to it by liking and retweeting your tweets.
To build your followers list rapidly, there are two ways from which you can choose. Buying real followers the right way or using websites/tools to build engagement and get free twitter followers.
Let’s have a look at both of them so that you can decide what will work for you.
Buy Twitter followers the right way
The first thing I’d like to suggest is not to fall in the trap of people guaranteeing you 5000 followers for 5 dollars. Go buy a cup of coffee instead. Why? Because fake followers will not bring you likes or retweets. And it can be easily recognized whether your account has fake or real followers with the help of a tool called Twitter Audit.
Instead of buying mere numbers, buy real followers. And that can be done using the ‘Twitter Followers Campaign.’ It is a way in which you can grow your audience in a smarter and more targeted manner, rather than using any black hat shortcuts.
When you run a Follower campaign, your ad will appear in timelines, ‘who to follow’ recommendations, and search results.
Setting up a buy twitter follower campaign is super easy!

Sign in to your Twitter account and go to ‘’. Click on create a new campaign. A pop-up will appear where campaign objectives will be listed. Select ‘Followers’ as your objective.
Name your campaign and enter a funding source. Select your target audience – this is the most important part. Select the people who will be interested in following you because of the content that you share. You can target people on the basis of Location, Gender, Interests, Language, Twitter Id, and a lot more. The option of ‘Also target users like your followers’ will show your ad to people who share similar exploring behavior and interests with your current followers.
After that, set a budget that you would like to spend on the campaign. You can also select the start and end date of the campaign. If not selected, the campaign will stop after the entire budget is spent.
Next, you need to choose a tweet to promote. Pick up your best performing tweet. The images and content should attract the viewers enough to check out your profile. And way you go! Your followers campaign will be up and running.
Pay only for every follower earned
Buy Twitter followers campaign is auction-based. You let Twitter know how much willing you are to pay per follower. You can grab a huge amount of impressions if you are willing to pay more. When you lower your bid, you will reach fewer people through your campaign.
The cost that you pay per follower is inversely proportional to the follow rate. The more engagement rate you get, the less you pay to buy twitter followers.
Increase your engagement and website traffic too (for free!)

When someone clicks on the link provided in your tweet and visits your website, likes, retweets, or visits your profile; you don’t pay for it. Because buy twitter follower campaign only charges you for followers gained. Thus, a follower campaign drives so many forms of free engagement that it drastically increases your return on investment.
But, remember that you will not be eligible for a refund if someone unfollows you (unfortunately) after some period of time. You have to keep posting valuable and informative content to retain them!
Things not-to-do while running campaign to buy twitter followers
Don’t ask people to follow you by adding “Please follow” or “follow me” in your tweets. A follow button is added by default in your promoted tweet. Nobody will follow you on Twitter when you ask them to follow or when you tell them that you are the best in the industry.
Don’t stuff in hashtags in your tweet. It will just appear as spam and people will just scroll past it.
Instead, share your most awesome content. People want to see engaging content. So make sure that your campaign to buy twitter followers offers people an outstanding piece of information. Show, don’t tell. People will follow you because of the value that you provide or maybe just because you are funny and interesting.
Buy entire accounts with loads of twitter followers
Yes, you can buy entire Twitter accounts that already have thousands of followers. Many people build a huge following and then sell their accounts to others at nominal prices. But, before you buy a twitter account, check whether the followers are real or not. Also, see what kind of people follow that account and whether they will be interested in your content or not. Buy a twitter account from a person who belongs to your industry.
Gain followers by growing engagement through a tool

When you do not want to buy Twitter followers by running ad campaigns, this is an alternative for you. There are a lot of websites out there that can help you with increasing engagement on your Twitter account. When the engagement rate will increase, people will get automatically attracted and will consider following you.
One such tool that promises to boost engagement on your account is TweetFull. It is a tried and tested twitter automation tool that engages with actions like auto like, auto retweet, and auto follow. It has a proven record of increasing followers on one’s twitter account. Its wide range of features will lead to a rapid rise in your account’s visibility.
Here’s a list of amazing features that TweetFull will provide you:
In this promotion, you can add the Twitter handles of the people whose followers you want to copy. TweetFull will then interact with the followers of those accounts, i.e, like and auto retweet their tweets, as well as follow them. Thus, your account will be more visible to those people and they will likely follow you back.
This one is indeed interesting. You need to put in keywords and hashtags that you want to target. TweetFull will then search for the tweets that contain those keywords or hashtags; and like, auto retweet and follow the tweeter. These actions will create curiosity in people and they will check out your profile. Make sure you have some interesting content on your feed so that they can consider following you.
Here, you need to mention the accounts of your favorite twitter influencers. TweetFull will like and auto retweet their tweets. This way, your followers will be able to see the kind of content you believe in. You will be able to provide good content to your followers by retweeting the tweets of popular influencers.
Undoubtedly, when you follow people with such speed, it is necessary to clean your list from time to time. With this promotion, you can unfollow all the people who are not following you back. This will make sure that a balance is maintained in the followers and following ratio.
With TweetFull, you can manage multiple accounts together. This can help you when you are an agency that works for the growth of your clients’ accounts.
TweetFull’s smart AI lets you stay away from engaging with the tweets that are sensitive in nature. While creating promotions, you can set a sentiment score of the tweets that you would like to engage with. This is helpful to strain out the tweets that carry a negative or critical tone.
In addition to all these features, you can also check the reports of your account growth. You can keep a check on the number of likes, auto retweets, and follows made on any particular date or time period. You can also see the number of people who followed your account back.
For checking out all these amazing features, TweetFull provides a free trial period. It is a great replacement for running ads in order to buy twitter followers. In just a small investment per month, you can grow your account substantially. It might prove cheaper as compared to running follower ad campaigns on Twitter.
The bottom line
In order to find what works best for your account, you have to try both the options available. Compare and decide the results that you obtain from each of them and continue with the most feasible one.
Running ad campaigns to buy followers on twitter will attract people with the tweet that you promote and you will pay for every follower earned. While on the other hand, using a free twitter follower website will attract people to reciprocate the actions that you take on their tweets. In this case, you only pay for using the tool.
So without any delay, carry out a split test between both of the options and start gaining those real followers!