How to Make Twitter Moments: Easy Step by Step Guide
In the last months of 2016, Twitter launched the feature called ‘Twitter Moments.’ They are basically a collection of tweets that revolve around a topic or an event. They form a storyline that lets people know about a happening in the past. Twitter moments are published with a cover picture and an introduction.
They can be liked, tweeted, pinned, embedded, and shared. Whenever you tap on a moment, it opens up to show a compilation of the best tweets together. They are indeed a way to create long-form content on this short blogging platform. Twitter moments give you an opportunity to narrate a complete story without any kind of interruption.
What is great is that it is not necessary to create a moment by using your tweets only. They can also be created out of tweets made by different people.
Twitter moments hold a great potential as they let you go above the usual 280 characters. Whether it is regarding any event, campaign, or anything else, Twitter moments can be used efficiently to get discovered by people and gain free twitter followers quickly.
By the end of this article, you will know how you can create Twitter moments and use them in your Twitter marketing strategy.
Steps to create Twitter Moments
1. Login to Twitter and find the Moments tab
On your Twitter homepage, there is a panel on the left-hand side. From the options shown, click on ‘More.’

A pop-up menu will appear. Select the option of ‘Moments’.

The moments screen will appear where all your created moments will show up. To create a new moment, click on the lightning bolt icon.

2. Fill in the initial information
You need to fill up three pieces of information – The title, description, and a cover picture. These will serve as a reason for people to open and check out your Twitter moments. So make sure that they are attractive enough.
In the title, give a glimpse of the entire story. Add a summary in the description – a trailer of the story that your moment is going to offer to the readers. Both of these should trigger an interest level in the viewers.
Most people take a screenshot of the best tweet that is going to be the highlight of the entire story and keep it as the cover picture. But, if you are going to use Twitter moments as a part of your branding, it is recommended that you invest some time in creating a cover picture that is unique, creative, and stands out from the others.

3. Curate your content
Now comes the fun part. Once you have described your Twitter moment using the information above, it is time to set the inside content. You can select tweets in four different ways: Tweets that you have liked, Tweets by account, Tweet search, and Tweet links.
It is such a great thing that you can search for any tweet and add it in your Twitter moment without following the user or liking the tweet. In ‘Tweets by account’ option, you can enter the twitter handle of any user, and select the tweets made by that person.
Alternatively, you can just copy the link of the tweet that you wish to add and paste it in the ‘Tweet link’ option. If you do not have any idea of the tweets that you want to add, you can search for a topic in the ‘Tweet search’ section. All the related tweets will appear and you can then select as per your requirements.
We have not encountered any kind of limit to the number of tweets that you can add to Twitter moments. However, you can check some details related to Twitter moments on the Twitter help center.
4. Reorder and organize tweets in your Twitter moment
As you keep adding tweets to your Twitter moment, they will appear above the section of ‘Add tweets to your moment’. Once you add more than one tweet, you can reorder and shuffle them. On the right hand side of each tweet, there will be up/down arrows and a cross (X) button.
You can use the arrows to change the order of tweets by dragging and dropping. To remove a tweet, just click on the X button.
Shuffle tweets around so that the tweets appear as a compelling story. Twitter moments are intended to have a flow, as they are something that the viewers go through from top to bottom.
Note: If any user blocks you, their tweets will be removed from your moment. Also, if they protect their tweets or delete them, they will disappear from moments. Additionally, if their Twitter account gets banned, their content will be removed from any moments it is in. Thus, be cautious and select tweets from accounts that never engage in bad behavior and spread only positive news.
5. Draft or publish Twitter moments
See the ‘finish later’ button on the top? You can click on that button and save your draft for future use. This can be done when you are in the process of collecting tweets for your moment and want to add more details before publishing.
If you have got everything right where you want it, you can hit on the ‘Publish’ button and make your Twitter moment go live.
6. The ‘More’ section

In the top left corner of the Twitter moments screen, you can see (…) icon with the label of ‘More’. Click on it and a pop-up will appear, having some options to customize your moment.
- Choose mobile theme color:- Select how your Twitter moments will appear in the mobile screens of viewers.
- Mark that moment that has sensitive material:- This is important when you are creating a moment that contains sensitive news, images, or videos; and requires viewer discretion. You can let people know about the content beforehand by using this option.
- You can unpublish a moment anytime and it will get converted into a draft. It will help you in making necessary edits and republish whenever you want.
- If you wish to remove a moment permanently, just select the ‘Delete moment’ option.
7. Share your Twitter moments
The success of anything on social media is dependent not only on creating, but also on sharing. After you publish a Twitter moment, you can copy its link and share it in a tweet. It can also be embedded. You can also promote your moment if you want to spread it to a larger audience and gain more twitter engagement.
How can Twitter Moments be used by brands?
1. Create an event’s storyline
If your brand is hosting or participating in any event, you can create a Twitter moment to showcase it. Share updates about the event for those who cannot attend it and also share what others are talking about it. In this kind of moment, videos and images will work the best, as it will give people little glimpses of what happened at the event.
2. Commentary
If there is any breaking news, some new invention, a shocking trend, or any major breakthrough in your industry on which you want to shed some light, create Twitter moments. It will act as a journalistic tool. For example, if you are a reporter who is covering up a football finale match, you can use moments to combine a series of tweets made by different people that cover important highlights of the story.
3. Product promotion/information
When you launch a new product or include more features in the existing one, it is quite difficult to let people know about it in a single tweet. You can make a custom cover picture that highlights the key features of your product or service. Then add tweets that address the problems faced by people and how your product can solve them. This will act as a brochure for your offering. When you promote such a moment, people will get all the necessary details at a single place, and a lot of genuine leads and sales could be generated.
4. Provide inspiration
If you have a heartwarming story that can touch people, you can share it using Twitter moments. The storytelling nature of moments makes it the perfect place to provide inspiration to people through real life incidents. For example, you can talk about the story of a person who fought a battle against cancer and is achieving milestones after.
5. A review thread
Search for the tweets where your brand is mentioned. Pick up all the good things that your customers are saying about you and compile them to create a moment. Reply to the tweets so that people gain trust in your brand. But, keep in mind that you do not pick up very old tweets.
Summing up,
Give it some thought and you will churn out a lot of ways in which you can use Twitter moments. You can keep a check on twitter trending topics and can use them too. Now, your clever tweets will never go waste!
Also, if you are using Twitter for business, we have got a tool that will help you in building engagement on your account and gain more real followers. TweetFull is a twitter automation tool that will auto-like, auto-retweet, and auto-follow people on your behalf; which will create curiosity among them and persuade them to check your profile!