We will search for Tweets that contain any of the specified words regardless of the order. Use a comma to separate words. Add a hyphen (-) next to a keyword to avoid Tweets with that keyword. Wrap your keyword with double quotes if you want Tweets that must have that keyword. Example: "Model", fitness, gym, -porn, -webcam
As the name suggests you could search for hashtags by entering the tag here. Separate hashtags by space. Use a Comma between hashtags if you want Tweets that contain any of those hashtags.
We will search for the words you specify here in the order you input them. Words should be separated by space.
This is useful if you want to make sure you do not retweet or Favorite a competitor's Tweets. For instance you may want Tweets around social media but not the ones that mention Digg. You could enter Digg in this box in that case.
You can optionally select a language to only engage with Tweets in that language.
Tweets could be both positive (I love Fridays) or negative (I hate Mondays.) in connotation. Tweets could also be neutral (Today is Wednesday).
You can add multiple Twitter accounts to your dashboard. You can then select which account this Campaign applies to.
This is the score that tells you how strong is the sentiment in a tweet. Higher the score, stronger the sentiment. We recommend the score in the range of 40-80 for Like (Favorite).
Same as above. We recommend the score in the range of 40-80 for ReTweet.
Same as above. We recommend the score in the range of 40-80 for Follow.
You can control how many Tweets should be (Liked) Favorited their frequency. If you have a new account, don't Like (Favorite) or ReTweet too much. This will raise a red flag.
Using this option you can limit the maximum number of ReTweets done by Tweet Full every cycle.
Using this option you can limit the maximum number of Follows done by Tweet Full every cycle.
We may follow then unfollow and then follow someone again. If you do not want to follow someone more than once, check this box.
Ususally we click on your behalf to Like, ReTweet or Follow others. However, if you want to do it yourself check this box. You will see the Tweets we find for you on your Activity list.
Remove your TweetFull footprints by UnLiking (UnFavoriting) every Tweet you Liked (Favorited). We highly recommend you use this setting to keep your Like count in check. We recommend 24 hours as the frequency to UnLike (UnFavorite).
Maintain a good follower to following ratio by UnFollowing people you followed earlier. You may not want to UnFollow those who are now following you.
If you only want to engage with Tweets that were written as a reply to someone, put their Twitter screen names here.
If you only want to engage with Tweets that mention certain people, put their Twitter screen names here.
If you do not want to engage with tweets from certain people, put their Twitter screen names here.
We will only engage (or not engage) with people with one or more of these words in their Twitter bio. An example would be "Artist, Music, -Painter" where we will engage with those who have either Artist or Music but do not have Painter in their bio.
Bots have very low followers to following ratio. Influencers, on the other hand, have very high ratio. We recommend a range from 1 through 1K+.
Filter people based on how many followers they have. We recommend 100 - 50K as a good range.
Real people do not follow millions of accounts. Set a good range based on your niche.
Filter people based on how many Tweets they have made so far. Inactive accounts barely have any Tweets and spam accounts have a lot of Tweets.
Influencers are added to a number of lists while regular twitter users are part of very few lists.
Those who just joined Twitter may follow you sooner than those who are veterans.
Limiting Tweets by source of origin can significantly reduce the amount of Tweets you get to engage with. Use this filter if you know what you are doing.
Verified accounts have a blue checkmark next to their Twitter handles.
Twitter displays an egg image untill users add their own picture. This is a good way to ignore inactive users.
Real Twitter users tend to have their bios updated. Checking this box ensures that you only interact with such people.
Let our Twitter experts research and optimize your Campaign for its maximum potential.
Humans do sleep. You may not want us Fav or RetweeT Tweets at night. We recommend you leave it empty.
People generally use no more than two hashtags. You may not want to engage with Tweets with too many hashtags. We recommend you leave it unchecked.
Tweets generally have one or no URLs. You may not want any Tweet with a lot of links in it. We recommend you leave it unchecked.
People do not mention a lot of users in their Tweets often. You may not want any Tweet with a lot of mentions in it. We recommend you leave it unchecked.
You can specify your sleep time here so that Tweetfull will not take any action during your sleep time.
Tweet Full will only engage with Tweets that have at least given number of Likes (Favorites).
If you only want to engage with Tweets that have already been ReTweeted a certain number of times, put that number here.
If you only want to engage with the first Tweet in a conversation, check this box. We recommend you leave it unchecked.
If there are 100s of people Retweeting the same Tweet, you may or may not want to Favorite all of them.
If you only want Tweets that don't link to a website, check this box. Such Tweets are more likely to come from a real person.
You could specify the location from where a tweet originated. You will also have the option to specify the radius around a location. For instance you can find Tweets originating from within 100 miles of Seattle.
A Tweet Full Campaign is a marketing campaign that allows you to target potential leads from Twitter in a particular niche. You just need to specify which keywords you want us to search for and what kind of people you want to engage with.